Sunday, January 30, 2011

2010 Portfolio




Professional Practice: Eight Austin Architects Reflect on Starting a Firm | elmplus

Great interview that offers some helpful insight into starting your own firm.

Professional Practice: Eight Austin Architects Reflect on Starting a Firm | elmplus

My Thesis Blog

In an effort to maximize the experience and outcome of my thesis, I have created a blog to host all of my research and design for the duration of the thesis process. Additionally, I hope to gain feedback along the way from anyone interested in order to push my design and thesis forward. The address for the blog is:

Please feel free to subscribe and/or post comments throughout the next 8 months, as I will be continuously keeping it updated with new material. I would love to hear any input you may have to offer!

I will continue to post other work and research here, but anything pertaining to my thesis will be posted there.

Academic & Educational Collaboration

Too bad we don't see more of this in school...

Archinect : News : Three Architecture Schools Awarded NCARB Grants